Leap of faith

what do you need to let go in order to move forward? Whatever first comes to mind is likely the correct answer, as much as it may cause discomfort for us to consider such a pivotal change, it is absolutely necessary. 

Take a few deep breaths and find your inner stillness. See yourself walking down a familiar path through the forest. As you walk along, you admire the energy of the trees, the sunlight shining through in beams. You can hear the birds communicating with each other, and with you. Breathe in the fresh air and feel that change is coming. You come to a fork in the path and you know this fork well. One way will lead you right back around in a circle, this is the path you have always taken in the past, it is safe, you know every nook and cranny. It’s easy. The other way looks a little steeper, a little wilder and you are not sure where it might lead. There are beautiful trees there, you can see glimpses. You can hear the birds calling, beckoning to you. 

Stand at this fork in the road and take a few deep breaths. Focus on your heart and allow it to guide you. Are you sure you want to keep repeating the same old pattern? Or are you ready for change? Ask for a sign that you are ready to release the old and embrace the new. If you have the courage to do so, turn away from the old, familiar, small and safe world of the old path and take a single step onto the new, unknown path. Know in your heart that you are embarking on the adventure that your Soul yearns for. 

This is your leap of faith. And you are so ready for it.


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